When you use your Kroger card, any Kroger card, in a location, you save money. If you choose AAMP as your non-profit – they give that money to AAMP!
You save money and AAMP gets a donation from Kroger! Its a win-win!
Kroger donates a portion of what you spend to an organization of your choice, at no cost to you.
You can choose Athens Artists Memorial Project (AAMP) as the local non-profit organization that you would like Kroger to donate to.
It’s super fast and easy to do… and will help people in our community to experience music and the arts, people that otherwise might not be able to.
Register your Kroger card here:
1. Create/sign in to your account using your card.
2. Choose “Athens Artists Memorial Project” (Non-Profit Organization number FR729)
3. Click “Save”
It’s that easy!
Now when you use your Kroger Shoppers card, YOU save money and AAMP gets a donation!