Donation of a keyboard to the Santa Tree Project

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keyboard donated to the Santa Tree Project from AAMP

This past December, the Athens Artists Memorial Project (AAMP) was happy to again work with the Athens Children’s Services “Santa Tree Project” where local kids in foster care make their Christmas wish lists public and the community purchases the gifts for them. This is the third year we have collaborated with this program.

In December of 2024, AAMP was able to help three local kids get the item they most wanted for Christmas!

Pictured above is a Santa Tree project helper receiving a 61 key piano keyboard.

AAMP purchased this keyboard (complete with a stand, stool, case, headphones and a microphone) for $130 and gave it the Santa tree project who then wrapped it and gave it to a 13 year old boy in Athens County foster care!

We hope that it made his Christmas a happy one, and that he finds lifelong joy through music.

Donations to AAMP go to local folks (kids prioritized) to help them experience, and be able to participate in, music and the arts.

If you would like to make a tax exempt donation, please check out donations page here.